Falls of Erech
These falls mark the northwesternmost part of Rashemen. As the waters of the River Erech flow toward Lake Ashane, they plunge over a hundred feet in a roaring cascade of white that is breathtaking. Rashemi youths about to leave their country on a journey of adulthood camp here for at least one night and cast offerings into the falls to the spirits and deities. The falls are said to possess a magic that punishes thieves and rewards those who show the proper obeisance with good fortune and long life. Most Rashemi attribute any success in life to proper offerings.
Over the centuries, a fortune in gems, coins, weapons,armor, and minor magic items has accumulated at the bottom of the cataract. However, only a fool would try to steal this wealth. The water is glacial runoff, little more than freezing, and it’s constantly pounding on the rocks below. As well, the local spirits guard these offerings and slay any would-be thieves. The Rashemi themselves capture and execute any looters who manage to escape the spirits.
Beyond the falls are a few humanoid tribes, but they rarely are brave enough to tempt the wrath of the Rashemi, instead harassing the small Nar horse tribes to the west.